Get close to nature on a friendly way
Approximately one hour trip around the beautiful surrounding of Stykkishólmur packet of nature, wild life and history.
All our tours feature local guides able to provide vast amount of information on nature, wildlife and history of the area. Through their enthusiasm, attention to detail and general love for nature they try to encourage the same outlook in guests.
The number of islands, islets and skerries of Breiðafjörður are more then 3.000. The area has about half of total coast line in Iceland and the difference between high and low tide can be up to 5 meters. This is the scene for a great variety in nature and wildlife. We cruise from Stykkishólmur, along the coastline, taking a look at Súgandisey and þórishólmi were the basalt columns are breathtaking, we visit Hvítabjarnarey (Polarbear Island) and there we tell you the unbelievable story about the troll. We cruise along the cliffs of Hvítabjarnarey and the islands surrounding it. We may see Puffins, European Shags, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Eiders, Black Guillemots and many other seabirds. With some luck we might see the Sea Eagle. Seals are likely to be around the islands.
Duration: 1 hour
Departures for groups available upon request.
Find us on www.facebook.com/kristjanthecaptain
Bookings: Kristjan tel. +354 8685305 or via Email: kristjanthecaptain@gmail.com